2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads
With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools.
My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas.
Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back.
2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads
With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools.
My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas.
Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back.
small sample of a much wider range of display resources for the 2018 world cup, including
Country Table signs
Country Flag bunting
Country flags
Country flags reference sheets
Display Borders
World cup groups
Flag mat
Country flags colouring
Part of a wider range of world cup resources -please see file attached for more information.
the full version can be found here
Sample of some of the 24 Display and Resources for the 2018 World Cup. The full gold level of resources contains
Table signs - 2 sets
flag bunting - 2 sets
country flags - All 32 flags in picture format
Display borders - 3 sets
country flag reference sheets - 2 sets
World cup groups - A4 sheets for each group with flags
Reference flag mat - 2 sets
Bookmarks - country Names and flags for all 32 countries
Country flags colouring sheets - each country in 4 differing sizes
bingo - 32 cards in two games - flags and country names
Paper chains/wrist bands - 2 sets
dominoes/loop cards - 3 sets - capital, flags and country outlines
Fixtures display - daily sheets showing each day’s fixtures
Matching/snap/pairs games - 11 sets of this - involving combinations of flags, names, capitals and outlines
Find the country - find and label each country on a world and each continent map
Writing frames - 5 sheets for each of teh 32 nations
Cryptograms - for each of the countries - 3 differentiated levels.
Word search - 1 for each name of the countries in the final
World cup datafiles - Detailed information for each of the 32 countries – perfect for statistics or geography. Information includes, population, area, number of bordering countries, continent, highest and lowest points, major languages, and religion and life expectancy for men and women
World cup top trumps - A classic!! - Top trump cards for population, area, bordering countries highest and lowest point, average height of land, length of coastline, amount of country that is forest, average age and life expectancy for men and women
Goal bar graph activity - Record each goal in the group stages. A horizontal chart and clipart of each goal provided.
World cup mascots - Since 1966, every world cup has had a mascot- here is a PDF of all mascot – with and without names and individual picture files of each. Also A4 mat.
Official World Cup Posters - Every Official posters from 1930-2018– both as a complete PDF and as individual picture files. Great for display and art.
History of the world cup - Information on each world cup, the number of competitors, venues, number of matches, winners to fourth places, attendances. Great for statistics
176 files in total (full gold level set of resources)
Sample of some of the 9 Display and Resources for the 2018 World Cup. The full set of bronze level of resources contains
Table signs - 2 sets
flag bunting - 2 sets
country flags - All 32 flags in picture format
Display borders - 3 sets
country flag reference sheets - 2 sets
World cup groups - A4 sheets for each group with flags
Reference flag mat - 2 sets
Bookmarks - country Names and flags for all 32 countries
Country flags colouring sheets - each country in 4 differing sizes
58 files in total (full bronze set)
See the attached file for the full list of resources
Sample of up some of the 18 Display and Resources for the 2018 World Cup. TThe full silver level of resources and contains
Table signs - 2 sets
flag bunting - 2 sets
country flags - All 32 flags in picture format
Display borders - 3 sets
country flag reference sheets - 2 sets
World cup groups - A4 sheets for each group with flags
Reference flag mat - 2 sets
Bookmarks - country Names and flags for all 32 countries
Country flags colouring sheets - each country in 4 differing sizes
bingo - 32 cards in two games - flags and country names
Paper chains/wrist bands - 2 sets
dominoes/loop cards - 3 sets - capital, flags and country outlines
Fixtures display - daily sheets showing each day’s fixtures
Matching/snap/pairs games - 11 sets of this - involving combinations of flags, names, capitals and outlines
Find the country - find and label each country on a world and each continent map
Writing frames - 5 sheets for each of teh 32 nations
Cryptograms - for each of the countries - 3 differentiated levels.
Word search - 1 for each name of the countries in the final
129 files in total (full silver set)
See the attached file for the full list of resources
Story introducing Wilfred Owen's influences, poem. life and legacy through twins Tyler and Mel (Tyme) who are able to observe historical events
chapters focus on:
his early life,
poems - dulce et decorum est, the sentry and the pity of war
meeting Siegfried Sassoon
Earning the military cross
his death
his legacy
visual word mats for Christmas, the nativity and winter. Publisher file added for easy editing. More Christmas resources can be found at https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Range-of-Christmas-Games-and-Activities-6452572/
15 easy and 15 harder sudoku picture puzzles around Christmas theme.Children can cut the images out and stick them onto board. Publisher files included to allow whiteboard demonstration and editing. More Christmas resources can be found at https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Range-of-Christmas-Games-and-Activities-6452572/
30 bingo cards each for nativity and non-religious themes. Can be used separately or together. Calling cards also included. More Christmas resources can be found at https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Range-of-Christmas-Games-and-Activities-6452572/
wide range of activities for the 2018 world cup, including
bingo - 32 cards in two games - flags and country names
Paper chains/wrist bands - 2 sets
dominoes/loop cards - 3 sets - capital, flags and country outlines
Fixtures display - daily sheets showing each day’s fixtures
Matching/snap/pairs games - 11 sets of this - involving combinations of flags, names, capitals and outlines
Find the country - find and label each country on a world and each continent map
Writing frames - 5 sheets for each of teh 32 nations
Cryptograms - for each of the countries - 3 differentiated levels.
This is part of a larger world cup resources set - set attached file for more information
details of the population, size, religion, capital, life expectancy for men and women, highest and lowest points and number of bordering countries for each of the 24 finalists.
Ideal for statistics, analysis, comparison or for writing up non-chronological reports
part of a much larger set of resources that can be found here
18 Display and Resources for the 2018 World Cup. This is the silver level of resources and contains
Table signs - 2 sets
flag bunting - 2 sets
country flags - All 32 flags in picture format
Display borders - 3 sets
country flag reference sheets - 2 sets
World cup groups - A4 sheets for each group with flags
Reference flag mat - 2 sets
Bookmarks - country Names and flags for all 32 countries
Country flags colouring sheets - each country in 4 differing sizes
bingo - 32 cards in two games - flags and country names
Paper chains/wrist bands - 2 sets
dominoes/loop cards - 3 sets - capital, flags and country outlines
Fixtures display - daily sheets showing each day’s fixtures
Matching/snap/pairs games - 11 sets of this - involving combinations of flags, names, capitals and outlines
Find the country - find and label each country on a world and each continent map
Writing frames - 5 sheets for each of teh 32 nations
Cryptograms - for each of the countries - 3 differentiated levels.
Word search - 1 for each name of the countries in the final
129 files in total
See the attached file for the full list of resources